Integrated AI Image Analysis Software for Subvisible Particles
VisualAI™,  is a new an add-on module for VisualSpreadsheet 6 for use with FlowcCam, 

It is a pre-trained, AI-driven image analysis module that recognizes images of biopharmaceutical aggregates captured on any FlowCam 8100 or FlowCam LO instrument. VisualAI is a powerful tool for quantifying protein aggregate and silicone oil droplet content in protein-based drug products.

FlowCam with VisualAI provides a powerful, off-the-shelf solution for differentiating subvisible particles in your protein formulations. The software also includes features that can be used to identify anomalous particles such as calibration beads and air bubbles.

Please visit Flowcam website, for more information or  contact our Sales Engineers.

Harry Owen who introduced Kaiser Optical Raman to Ireland is now manufacturing novel probes that improve Raman scattering collection.

This Autumn HORC will release the RIO 200S Plus with f/2 data collection and Real-Time Raman Calibration combined – for immersion in reactors or fermentors or for use with solid samples!

Spatially Resolved Dynamic Light Scattering

To overcome the limitations of conventional DLS for process analytical applications InProcess-LSP developed a new innovative technology: Spatially Resolved Dynamic Light Scattering (SRDLS). SR-DLS allows particle size characterization in process flows and can measure highly turbid suspensions without dilution.

The NanoFlowSizer technology is based on low coherence interferometry providing light scattering information as a function of optical pathlength (pathlength or depth in the sample). The depth-resolved light scattering holds information on particle movement caused by both Brownian motion as well as flow rate. The contribution due to Brownian motion is used for the calculation of the particle size characteristics, while the flow rate information is obtained instantaneously for every measurement as well.

Transient and Steady states overplotted
Size Sure & Adaptive Diffraction

Laser Diffraction is the most flexible and widely-used technology in particle size analysis! Yet the fundamentals of diffraction, as encapsulated in ISO13320 and ISO 13320:2020  have not changed in years.

Until now that is – as Malvern Panalytical have developed ADAPTIVE DIFFRACTION that dramatically adds insight to your laser diffraction results. This is advanced technology using AI in real time and is unique to Malvern Panalytical’ s Mastersizer 3000+ and is Patent pending.

Adaptive Diffraction classifies particles into Transient or Steady State without any filters. Together with Size Sure measurement mode, it helps mitigate environmental factors during measurements, things like  contaminants, bubbles, and dust that get in the way of generating reliable data. They contribute to the measured scattering signal, and can cause misleading Particle Size Distributions. Together, Size Sure and Adaptive Diffraction make particle size analysis easier for both expert users and non-experts alike.