Particular Sciences in cooperation with Malvern Panalytical and Netzsch (Analysing &  Testing) will host a significant  two day event for scientists in pharmaceutical and bio-pharmaceutical labs.

An ideal opportunity to see the latest advances in particle sizing, elemental & structural analysis, thermal analysis, with guest presenters and specialists to consult with on your applications.

We will present software advancements from Malvern Panalytical   that make data acquisition easier and more reliable; reduce instrument downtime; and  also discuss improvements to 21CFR part 11 compliance packages. As well as showcasing Malvern Panalytical’ s latest products and discuss why Netzsch instruments are being increasingly used in Pharma labs. 

Of added interest will be technologies from Pion-Inc, FlowCam and InProcess-LSP.
Put the dates in your calendar – April 23rd & 24th 2024 Crowne Plaza Hotel, Blanchardstown Town Centre, Dublin. 15
PLS event summary agenda v3_SQ
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